Friday, March 24, 2006

Questions After a Great Two Nights of Games

How in the world did Rashad Anderson hit that shot?

How quickly is Marcus Williams moving up draft boards?

Has anyone seen Rudy Gay...anyone?....anyone?

How is Brandon Roy not a Naismith finalist (and Gay is)?

Why didn't Ryan Appleby just put up a shot after that steal?

How did UConn let him get such a good look at the buzzer?

Will the real UConn ever show up?

How do you stop Joakim Noah?

Who's man was Will Sheridan?

How many turnovers could Boston College possibly have in big spots?

Is there a bigger pest in college basketball than Kyle Lowry? A more underrated player?

How ridiculous would a Washington-George Mason regional final have sounded?

Can the Patriots keep this miracle going?

Who played worse down the stretch...Duke or Gonzaga?

Who were you happier to see lose...Redick or Morrison?

What was a better finish...UCLA-Gonzaga or Texas-WVU?

Is Memphis really this good or are their opponents no good?

When was the last time Duke looked so bad at the end of a game and just seemed to pack it in with a couple minutes to go?

Can Friday's games possibly top tonight's?


  1. Anonymous12:38 PM

    wow, what a dissapointing night in the tourney last a huge college basketball fan, and an even bigger terps fan, i hate duke just like most of the country, but i was honestly pulling for reddick and have to appreciate the seniors in this league, as much as i hate reddick, you have to respect what he has been able to do this year, he's clearly not the atlete that everyone else, but was still able to be a great player, he probably won't have a great NBA career but you gotta give it up for him, even as a huge terps fan, i was rooting for the seniors of Duke....................

    Then there's West Virginia, you can't help but root for these honky white boys who are clearly inferior to most of the talent in the league, but again, a team full of seniors, how can you not root for a team of players who have dedicated 4 years to a program and have to work harder at most to win, lately its just been all these underclassmen who are stealing the spotlight and winning championships, we haven't had a senior led team winning it since Juan Dixon, Lonny Baxter and company took in 2001............

    and then there's Gonzaga, how can you not root for them either, Adam Morrison has diabetes, gets insulin shots during timeouts, is ugly as hell, yet goes out there and just dominates with such an old school style, and is one of the biggest competitors i've ever watched, seeing him crying with 2 seconds left was just heartbreaking, you hate to see players like that lose the way Gonzaga did last we get an elite eight with some boring teams except for Memphis, i mean i don't think most of us can even pronounce half of UCLA's roster, how exciting is that??

    11:50 AM

  2. Anonymous2:18 PM

    As a Pitt fan, I couldn't be happier to see Ben Howland finally break through to the Elite 8. Here's to UCLA beating Memphis, who honestly, has yet to impress me - I think that in terms of a matchup, Bradley had their best matchup against a slow, plodding, unmotivated Pitt team, and their worst matchup against a young, frisky, uptempo Memphis squad. Memphis will not be ready for UCLA, I guarantee it. So far, they've played a bunch of teams just like the ones they played for the last two months in CUSA - ORU, Bucknell, Bradley. I look for a BIG Memphia letdown.

    Sorry, I hate Morrison. I just really...dislike him. He was crying with the game not even over. A real MVP would have sucked it up, looked steely eyed and demanded the ball in the last two seconds of that game. No offense to those of you in Spokane, but I just don't like the guy. I don't care that he has diabetes, I don't care about his stupid crust-ache, all I know is that Gonzaga finally lost a close game after pulling so many out of their asses, night after night in the WCC tourney, and in the NCAAs. That's karma, man.

    That Duke-LSU game was just ugly. LSU is a well-coached basketball team, and seeing Baby Shaq get that rebound against four Duke players was just great in my book. Pretty much summed up the whole game, as Duke did really look like they packed it in.

    WVU must be wondering how they are supposed to beat Texas. Two buzzer beaters in one year? Ouch.

  3. Anonymous4:03 PM

    How can you dislike Morrison??? may not like Gonzaga, but you have to respect Morrison, the guy just has so much talent, he's probably the most unathletic player to step on the floor each game, he's a skinny white boy, who no one could ever imagine being this successful, especially with diabetes.........he's just one of those amazing competitors, just doesn't want to lose, doesn't care what it takes or how it looks to see the emotion pour out of him at the end of the game shows how much heart he has, and how much he cared about his team, if only we had more people like him, instead we're filled with so many showboating, non-fundamental, arrogant, all for themselves players, who only care how they look, win or lose.......thats why we watch the game to see the players play with true passion for their team

  4. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Dude, Morrison is a huge showboater and trash-talker, do you just not notice it because he is a skinny white boy?

  5. Anonymous6:51 PM

    How can I dislike Morrison?

    - "the guy just has so much talent"

    He's a good shooter. Period.

    - "he's probably the most unathletic player to step on the floor each game"

    Don't disagree with you. I should love him for this?

    - "he's a skinny white boy, who no one could ever imagine being this successful, especially with diabetes"

    He's not the first player with diabetes, you know. And it's not like he's playing with terminal cancer. It's a manageable disease. My old roommate had it, and he kicked my ass at ball all the time - does that make him great?

    - "just doesn't want to lose, doesn't care what it takes or how it looks to win"

    That's not always a good thing, but I think you could make this argument about a lot of players.

    "you may not like Gonzaga, but you have to respect Morrison"

    Trust me, my hatred of Morrison has nothing to do with how much I like Gonzaga. In fact, I'm just incredibly impartial to the team as a whole. I think they got lucky a bunch here at the end of the season, and I was rooting hard for UCLA, but if they would have won, I still would have been impartial to Gonzaga, and I still would have disliked Morrison. They are two mutually exclusive feelings.

  6. Anonymous11:53 AM

    I'm truly wondering why I have seen NO mention whatsoever about the incident involving Duke lacrosse players and the investigation of rape and assault charges against several team members. Why is the sports press in this country ignoring this and not reporting on this horrible incident?

  7. This comment is pretty off topic for this blog, but what else would you expect at Duke. You got a bunch of white boys on the highly ranked lacrosse team rapping some black strippers. It's no surprise that the university and the media would try to sweep this under the rug trying to protect Duke and their image.

  8. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Despite all the McDonalds all americans, Duke has only managed 1 NCAA title in the last 14 years. Mike Krzyzewski has done a poor job of getting the most out of his players. Is he too busy shooting TV ads?

  9. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Way to get some good articles and posts up lately.

    Right as the season approached its climax, you guys really came through with good analysis and insight.

    Keep it up next year.


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